Projeto Soja Brasil
ABOUT – It is one of the largest rural communication projects in the world. Through reports, interviews, forums, debates and expeditions, the Soja Brasil team informs soybeans about the crop situation in Brazil and also in other countries. The forums are open to the public and bring the participation of political authorities, entities, researchers and consultants who seek to discuss obstacles in the field.
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Soja Plus
Soja Plus empowers the rural producer to improve the management of his farm with the distribution of materials, promotion of courses on health and safety at work, adaptation of rural constructions, environmental regularization, field days and technical visits to monitor performance.
Soja Plus is a transparent and participatory rural property management program, at the national level, to meet the market demands for sustainable products. We have built a process of gradual and continuous improvement of the environmental, social and economic aspects of production from a better management of rural property.
The actions are implemented in close partnership with rural producers, state and municipal governments, civil society, industry and commerce, research institutions, education and extension.
The results achieved are the conservation of natural resources, the governance of productive activities and the social well-being of workers, rural producers and local communities. Soya Plus increases economic opportunities and promotes greater efficiency in the production of Brazilian soybeans.
Instituto Soja Livre
The Soja Livre Institute, founded on July 24, 2017 by Aprosoja Mato Grosso and Embrapa, aims to contribute to the development of the Conventional Soybean market (called Soja Livre), keeping alive the freedom of choice of the rural producer in the choice of technology, the cultivar and the productive system that will bring greater profitability and safety in the harvest. Its activity is to assist the partners involved, belonging to different sectors of this market niche, with the transfer of updated and important information to ensure greater competitiveness of the business involving conventional soy.