
Despite being planted in only 4% of the Brazilian territory, <strong>soybeans are the country’s main agricultural crop.</strong>

According to Embrapa, land use in Brazil is distributed as follows:

66% native vegetation (forests and Apps) – 554 million hectares,

23% pasture – 198 million hectares;

8% Agriculture – grains – 60 million hectares;

4% Urbanization and other uses – 38 million hectares.

<img class=”alignnone size-medium wp-image-10109″ src=”https://aprosojabrasil.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/GraficoUsoOcupacaoTerrasBrasil-300×220.png” alt=”” />

Of the 8% destined to the production of grains, the soybean occupies 3.5% (33 million hectares). Taking advantage of 74 mi / ha of degraded pastures, soy can increase its production by 50% until the 2024/2025 harvest and occupy only 5% of the territory. Soybeans occupy 9.8% of the Cerrado biome and 0.7% of the Amazon biome (Source Conab and MMA). Of the 61% of native vegetation in the country, 11% of them are on rural properties.

(Source: Embrapa, IBGE, CNA, MMA, Funai, ANA and MPOG)